暑假,我在齐舞空间学舞蹈,不过是一节补课,学的是青花瓷舞蹈 ,不过还是先练基本功。练了一个小时的基本功。终于要开始学舞蹈啦! 一打打,二打打。不久我就学会了真是快老师还夸我学得快。学跳舞真好。
During the summer vacation, I studied dance in Qiwu space. It was just a make-up lesson. I learned blue and white porcelain dance, but I still practiced basic skills first. I practiced basic skills for an hour. Finally, I'm going to learn dance. One dozen, two dozen..... Soon I learned how fast the teacher praised me for learning fast. It's good to learn to dance.