今天是我最难受的一天了。今天我吐了7七次。还扎了3次针。早上的'时候吐了两回。 每一次呕吐,吐的我很难受。吐出了三回胆汁。今天扎的针分别是两回小针一回输液。先是张的小针,然后又输液。输液的时候吐了两回。输完液的时候又吐了一回。到下午的时候,又发了烧。又到徐楼卫生室打了一个小针。打完小针的时候我昏昏沉沉的。我到家,然后我就睡觉了,晚上的时候又吐了一回。每一次呕吐,吐的我很难受。吐出了三回胆汁。今天可以说是我最难熬的一天。
Today is the worst day for me. I vomited seven times today. Three more stitches. I vomited twice in the morning. Every time I vomit, I feel sick. He vomited bile three times. Today's needles are two small needles and one infusion. First, Zhang's small needle, and then the infusion. I vomited twice during the infusion. I vomited again after the infusion. By the afternoon, there was another fever. I went to Xu Lou's health room for another injection. I was in a daze when I finished the injection. I got home, and then I went to bed and threw up again at night. Every time I vomit, I feel sick. He vomited bile three times. Today is the hardest day for me.